Hi guys, I've been observing other countries' tournament and friendly games mission and can't help but notice that they do not roll 1 on the mission chart but 2!
I find it very interesting and it does help to answer some of the concerns we have when we get these 3 missions:
- Is the most disliked mission among all. Reason being shooty static army usually fail to gain mid ground quickly to win the game.
- As most the time players won't be able to get the Relic, First Blood will be the key decider in this mission.
- The mission that carried over from 5th ed. This mission either win or draw but mostly ending with draw.
- Again, First Blood will be the key decider in this mission.
- Another mission that carried over from 5th ed. This mission punishes MSU armies and greatly favor deathstar armies with very little units.
- Troops are totally pointless in this mission.
So if we get to play 2 missions in a game like other communities, I think it helps brings more flavors to the game as we will have 12 types of combination missions available to us! Not to mention, it pushes a more all-rounder armies to be able to take these kinda missions. Troops will always be a necessary.
Maybe Legio can help pushes this idea with their year end 40k tournaments? *hint-hint*
What the rest of you guys think?