Alright guys this is happening in the School holiday from the 31st of May to the 9th of June. The event has intro gaming and painting for Games Workshop games as well as any board games. Besides this we have a few events that will be really cool for the more veteran hobbyists among us.
We have a painting competition:
Category: Open
Hand in anything you want from monsters to Armies to single models. The only restriction is a fantasy theme and the model cant be pre-painted
Entries will be on display the whole week in a locked cabinet and have to be submitted before the 31st of May. I am arranging that we can leave the models in the Outpost for convenience. But it would be cool if the people joining will be there on the Sunday (9th) to receive their prize (or at least have a proxy)
On the 9th 3pm- 6pm we Will have a Huge Storm of magic Game. It will have no point restrictions and I will be Game Mastering it with a cool story. The idea is that you guys game on whilst small intro battles are being fought on small side tables. The results of these intro games will influence the main battle.
So why do we need you guys to join.
1. We will get all the scenery we make as a addition to all the scenery we have in the club. (this is all GW plastic scenery) I will make another realms of battle board with a dessert theme to suit the Tomb kings heavy battles being fought as well as a semi mountainous region for the Ogre players.
2. We have a great opportunity to help get some more people involved in the games we love and maybe sign up more people fro our Club.
3. It will be a great fun day out. For those that have kids there is a Warrior makeover session with Photo shoot. And there will be a Lord of the Rings Movie showing so you can game and have your family day out!
4. For those that want to help out intro gaming/painting especially on the Saturday or any other days before there is a small compensation in the form of models. So if you are free and want to help let me know in PM and ill help discuss the details.
So who is up for this?
By Tjerk Van Der Molen