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 Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach

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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyThu Aug 23, 2012 6:06 am

To quote Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Expendables 2; "I'M BAACK!" Twisted Evil

Don't know how effective Din's Approach will be in the 6th Ed., but i might as well have some fun hehe!

On the other hand, this is just another typical SW army list a.k.a missile-fangs. I've been thinking about it for quite some time though. To Syamael & AK, this list might just looked similar/familiar hehehe pirat!!

1. Rune Priest: Power Armour, Runic Weapon, Bolt Pistol, Frag & Krak Grenades, Living Lightning & Murderous Hurricane (or Prescience & 1 other random psy-power).

2. Rune Priest: Terminator Armour, Runic Weapon, Stormbolter, Living Lightning & JoTWW (or Prescience & 1 other random psy-power).

3. Rune Priest: Terminator Armour, Runic Weapon, Combi Bolter-Plasma, JoTWW & Murderous Hurricane (or Prescience & 1 other random psy-power).

1. 5 x Grey Hunters: Power Armour, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Frag & Krak Grenades, 1 x Flamer

2. 5 x Grey Hunters: Power Armour, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Frag & Krak Grenades, 1 x Flamer

1. 5 x Wolf Guards: Power Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Frag & Krak Grenades, 4 x Stormbolters, 1 x Terminator Armour with Stormbolter, Power Weapon & Cylone Missile Launcher

2. 5 x Wolf Guards: Power Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Frag & Krak Grenades, 4 x Stormbolters, 1 x Terminator Armour with Stormbolter, Power Weapon & Cylone Missile Launcher

3. 5 x Wolf Guards: Power Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Frag & Krak Grenades, 4 x Stormbolters, 1 x Terminator Armour with Stormbolter, Power Weapon & Cylone Missile Launcher

1. 1 x Land Speeder: 2 x Heavy Bolters

1. Pack Leader & 5 Long Fangs: Power Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Frag & Krak Grenades, 5 Missile Launchers

2. Pack Leader & 5 Long Fangs: Power Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Frag & Krak Grenades, 5 Missile Launchers

3. Pack Leader & 4 Long Fangs: Power Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Frag & Krak Grenades, 1 x Melta Bombs, 4 Missile Launchers

1. Aegis Defense Line: Quad-Guns

TOTAL = 1496pts

Da plan:-
1. Each Rune Priest will join a LF pack.

2. Detach da WGs in T-armour & CML to join da LF packs.

3. Put 1 GH pack to man da Aegis Defense Line.

4. Put 1 more GH pack hidden to claim obj &/or last chance desperado counter shoot-flame & assault.

5. All WG packs to advance/maintain position (preferably 20"-23" away from enemy infantries/units) & stay close to one another to concentrate stormbolter fire power.

6. Dakka-speeder to be kept in reserve for late game obj contest. Or, it can also be used in tandem with da WG packs for additional suppression fire power.

7. If my opponent do not use much flying circus, then i'll just retain da Living Lightning spells. If not, i can just swap with Prescience so that my LF packs can benefit from re-roll to-hit.

20 Krak Missiles per shooting phase with re-rolls to-hit will bound to hit something, right Twisted Evil?!

8. All together i have 2 Living Lightning spells, 2 JoTWW spells, & 2 Murderous Hurricane spells...all of which r very useful indeed.

9. Against Terminators-spam army, i'll just throw shoot as much Frag Missiles & Living Lightning/JoTWW as possible to force armour svs &/or initiative tests.

Any other suggestion to improve da list? Maybe at 1750pts?

Last edited by CikguDin on Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:23 am; edited 8 times in total
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyThu Aug 23, 2012 6:21 am

rune priest 2 and 3 should not have the same equipment..
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyThu Aug 23, 2012 6:50 am

OOps..that's wat u get when copy & paste without much checking. I've edited the 3rd Rune Priest.

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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyThu Aug 23, 2012 11:33 am

Drop the flamers on the GH and get the last Missile Launcher for the last LF pack? and vehicles cannot contest objective anymore unless the mission is Big Guns Never Tire or The Scouring.
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyThu Aug 23, 2012 12:14 pm

The flamers for the GH units are free..hehehe cheap is good!!

As for de Speeder, u r right. They can't function as denial unit anymore Sad ..

If I ditch da Speeder, I still have 64 pts that can be spent. What should I get? More T-armour for each WG pack?

Lets see, if I take out 2 Stormbolters from WG pack #1 & #2, + 1 Stormbolter from WG pack #3, I'll have a total of 79pts more to spend. Thus, what I can do is:-

1). For WG Pack #1: additional 2 x T-Armour with Stormbolters & Power Weapon = 30pts

2). For WG Pack #2: additional 2 x T-Armour with Stormbolters & Power Weapon = 30pts

3). For WG Pack #3: additional 1 x T-Armour with Stormbolters & Power Weapon = 15pts

Balance = 4pts.
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyThu Aug 23, 2012 2:28 pm

You could change up one squad of Wolf Guard to be in a Drop Pod with Combi-Meltas. At least if you see AV13-14 you wont have to throw so many ML shots into it and focus shooting other things instead
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyThu Aug 23, 2012 2:38 pm

take some plasmas instead. you don't have decent CC specialist to handle 2+ saves. so better handle them via shooting.
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyThu Aug 23, 2012 2:48 pm

Dr-DOOOM!!! wrote:
take some plasmas instead. you don't have decent CC specialist to handle 2+ saves. so better handle them via shooting.

nuts. I was looking forward to fighting his list cuz he had no answer for my SGuards hahaha Razz
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyThu Aug 23, 2012 6:05 pm

Instead of spending so much points into Wolfguards just for Cyclone, why not take Las/Plas Razorbacks instead?
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 5:55 am

@Dann: What do u mean i don't have answer to your SGs? If I were to make the changes to the WG packs as stated above, i'll be having 8 terminator models all armed with power weapons a.k.a power-axe Wink !! They may not be much, but better than nothing hehe!!

Still, Joe is quite right as well..i might consider taking several plasma cannons spread out among the LF packs.

Or, instead of 3 mixed-armoured WG packs, i should just take 2 fully T-armoured WG packs with default power weapons/power-axes & upgraded with combi bolter-plasma.

I'll post a new list asap!
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 5:37 am

well a mix combo of long fang is better. If you take all ML, termie will be walking without fear bro.. but putting in 1 plasma & 1 LC makes lots of difference. One more thing din... play with 1 thunderlord... they are damn tough to kill now... with a good 14"-24" charge range... plus if you get FnP from your warlord ability... = awesome
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 12:50 pm

I've edited the thread title cuz i'm too lazy to start new ones. Might as well pile every marines together since they have similar essence a.k.a the Din's Approach...

Next up is my long neglected BA army. For those who still remembers, i've been a long-standing BA player ever since the cheezy thin-old BA codex, to the much-hated lack-of-cheeze WD-edition 'codex', and now the current not-so-cheezy-anymore codex.

Here goes: BA 1500pts Din's Approach


1. Librarian: T-Armour, SS & Force Axe

1. 5 x Scouts: Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloak

2. 5 x Scouts: Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloak

1. Storm Raven: T/L Lascannons, T/L Multimeltas, 4 x Bloodstrike Missiles

2. Storm Raven: T/L Lascannons, T/L Multimeltas, 4 x Bloodstrike Missiles

3. Storm Raven: T/L Lascannons, T/L Multimeltas, 4 x Bloodstrike Missiles

1. Aegis Defense Line: Quad Guns


1. Librarian: Terminator Armour, SS & Force Axe

1. 5 x Scouts: Sniper Rifles

1. Storm Talon: T/L Lascannon, T/L Assault Cannon

1. Thunderfire Cannon

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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyTue Aug 28, 2012 10:35 am

a lot of shooting. very scary. but you should have a dedicated cc unit to stay on your line for a counter attack in case the enemies overwhelm your line.
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyTue Aug 28, 2012 1:07 pm

For cc, I have those 2 Librarians. I was thinking of giving both of them some sort of cc-booster spells like Might of the Ancient (+d3 attacks?) in addition to 1 shooty spell.

If only they have access to Lore of Beast (Bear's Anger!!) or Lore of Fire (Flaming Sword of Rhuin!!)

For the SR, which weapon system is better - t/l lascannons or t/l plasma cannons?
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyTue Aug 28, 2012 2:37 pm

Plasma cannons of course
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 7:31 pm

I've edited this thread title again. Today i had my 1st 6th Ed game..Hey! I'm a nube again! Laughing

I played against Shawn's Space Marines (looked like DA, but I don't think so). The list that I used was as follows:-

Primary Detachment: ELDAR

1. Eldrad

1. 5 x Dire Avengers

2. 5 x Dire Avengers

1. Falcon: Pulse Laser, Starcannon, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

2. Falcon: Pulse Laser, Starcannon, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

3. 3 x War Walkers: 6 x Starcannons

Secondary Detachment: BLOOD ANGELS

1. Reclusiarch: Crozius, Powerfist

1. 9 x DC Marines: Bolt Pistols, Close Combat Weapons, 4 x Power Axes

1. Storm Raven: T/L Lascannons, Typhoon Missile Launcher, 4 x Bloodstrike Missiles

Total = 1500pts

Mission: No.4 - Scouring
Deployment: Short table edge with 24" no-man's-land in the centre, 6 objectives

Result: Shaun won by scoring 8 - 6 VPs.

Some of the things that I learned:-
1. Must remember that my Eldar skimmers are all equipped with Spirit Stones a.k.a extra armour. 1 Falcon was stunned & I didn't move it cuz I forgot about the stones thingy. It was unceremoniously charged by the Mon-keigh Kapitan Sad !

2. Buy extra armour for the Storm Raven. If only I had it on the Storm Raven, then my DC Marines would have reached Shaun's Bike-Mob!!

3. War Walkers are fragile!! I should have protected them much better via fortune.. Embarassed Better yet, I should replace them with another Falcon or a Fire Prism (which is much cheaper pt-wise).

4. The Dakka-Falcons are great!! But I should have been more aggressive by going forward to maximize the number of shots. Next time, lets try playing 3 of them yeah!! Twisted Evil

5. I also need another back-up Farseer with Fortune & Guide. Eldrad alone is not enuff.

6. Storm Raven is good. It is a worthy gunship Twisted Evil !

7. The DC Marines squad should have been smaller, maybe just 5-men max with just 2 power swords instead of power axes (I already have AP2 weapons aplenty). Thus I can save 90pts.

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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 7:57 pm

No i wasnt using DA. Was using Codex: SM. If using Codex:DA i dont even need to buy a Librarian to get (possibly) FNP for my bikes haha.

Aiyo dont even need to remember Spirit Stones. Remembering Extra Armour is more important lol.

What about 7DC with 2 Power Axe? Saves you 70 points
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptySat Sep 01, 2012 2:29 am

The Storm Raven is best with Multi-melta.. not Typhoon
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptySat Sep 01, 2012 3:37 pm

Typhoon gives some tactical flexibility that it can engage at longer range and choose between Krak and Frag but i still agree with you TL Multi Melta is better Very Happy
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptySun Sep 02, 2012 4:47 pm

Today I had my 2nd game v/s Syamael's SW. Although I lost the game, it was definitely fun & educating. Plus, I managed to try out several units that I have in mind.

Things that I learned today:-
1. Staying/camping on high level battlement/building/bastion/ruin is now very risky. Syamael's LF sqd failed Morale check & had to immediately jumped 9" onto the battlefield/table - suffering -3 modifiers to dangerous terrain tests no armor sv! It was hillarious!! Laughing

2. I find that sqds of basic Dire Avengers are very fragile. I need to at least upgrade 1 model into Exarch so that he'll have 3+ armour sv. I sorely needed 3+ armour sv models in my army!!

3. Eldar Support Weapon Batteries are quite resilient, especially against enemy shooting. But, as usual, they r fragile to enemy assault.

4. Falcon + Fortune + Guide is my favourite combo right now!

5. Warp Spiders r ok la. Weapons range is too short for their own good though..

6. Vendettas r superb, even more so than Stormraven Twisted Evil !! The same cannot be said for the CCS & Veteran sqd. I think I'll just give them flamers, lots of flamers, & let them hitched a ride in the Vendettas.

7. Vehicles can Tank Shock & Shoot now!

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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptySun Sep 02, 2012 5:17 pm

So now I'm putting another Eldar list (although I kept loosing, playing Eldar is so much fun!!). This time, its a full fledged Eldar army - no ally!!

1. Eldrad

2. Farseer: Spirit Stones, Guide & Fortune

1. 5 Dire Avengers: Upgrade 1 as Exarch with additional avenger-shu-catapult.

2. 5 Dire Avengers: Upgrade 1 as Exarch with additional avenger-shu-catapult.

1. 5 x Fire Dragons: Fushion Guns

1. 2 x Vypers: each with Starcannon & Shuriken Cannon

2. 2 x Vypers: each with Starcannon & Shuriken Cannon

3. 2 x Vypers: each with Starcannon & Shuriken Cannon

1. Falcon: Pulse Laser, Starcannon, Shuriken Cannon

2. Falcon: Pulse Laser, Starcannon, Shuriken Cannon

3. Falcon: Pulse Laser, Starcannon, Shuriken Cannon


P.S: It seems that I've misplaced my Eldar codex. Can somebody please double-check the pt cost for my Farseer whether he is at 120pts or 125pt? Tqvm!!
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyMon Sep 03, 2012 3:26 am

yea... i also noticed that no ally i can have more pts to take my stuff. thus both my daemons and orks have removed the Chaos Renegade allies. 1500pts is really too small for ally. maybe when we scale up to 1750, we'll see more allies.
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyMon Sep 03, 2012 5:14 am

When will Eldar be getting their new Codex eh? Any news? If only they make the Eldar Firestorm & Hornet as official, then there's no need for me taking ally already hehehe!
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyMon Sep 03, 2012 6:37 am

yup that would be something..eldar firestorm would be awesome... 1 squaron of 3... now that alot of shot.. bye bye to flyers.
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Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 11:16 am

Diff: Kau tak ada ke Vyper yg dah tak nak? Guardian J-Bike ke? Kalau ada nak tolak, bg tau la aku.

The problem that I noticed from my previous games was to place my scoring units at the objectives. My D.Avgrs are just not fast enuff to reach the objective & resilient enuff to last at the objectives.

In 5th, they can still score by staying onboard the vehicles, or came-in in later turn from reserves. Sadly, such tactic is unusable anymore.

Maybe i'll try to hide them behind LOS, but then, my opponent will most like reach them in assault.

The next option that i have is taking Guardian J-Bikes. They can move really fast (good for late turn contests), have better svs (3+ & 5+ jink) & T4. I'll try them for sure in my next game.

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PostSubject: Re: Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach   Eldar/ BA/ SW/ BT/ SM/ DA/ GK/ IG - Din's Approach Empty

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